Monthly Archive:: July 2009

Short Wheelbase Recumbent Bike

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Collecting Materials: After getting my shop in order and purchasing a new drill press I began to collect the donor bikes: The black one is a Bridgestone that was hit by a car, it will donate the head and bottom bracket shells, handlebars and brake levels.  The red bike

Meredith Scheff at MISSION: Comics and Arts

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Our own Meredith Scheff be showing her art in a show tomorrow. It’s her first show outside of school and she would love to see you all there. There will be prints, originals, and comics.  here’s the info: Space Gallery: 1141 Polk St., San Francisco, CA 94109 on

A Visual Aid for Bike Design

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For Halloween I made a Witch on a broomstick out of 2" thick Styrofoam insulation. I got my 8 year old daughter to pose with a broom and then I snapped a picture with my digital camera. I did an "edge trace" with Paint Shop Pro and used the

Front Wheel Drive Moving Bottom Bracket Experiments

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Some random experiments with front wheel drive bikes. Originally published at  The first iteration is based on Tom Traylor's designs. As with the SWB project I am looking for a bike that I can ultimately try and put in a full fairing. With the short wheelbase bike I

Cheap Hydration System for a Recumbent Bicycle.

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When I changed the handlebars on my Tour Easy for a "T" bar arrangement I needed to find a new place for my water bottles. I took a look at some of the Camelback type systems available but balked at their prices. In the past I'd used homemade "hydration"

Home Depot Bike Headlight

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How to make high power bicycle headlights with materials from your local home center. This is an article from a few years back that was up at, I'm consolidating everything from there over to here. Nearly five years after I built them I am still using these headlights with

Life Inc. Douglas Rushkoff

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      A couple of years ago I sat down and tried to write a description of what Steampunk was as a sub-culture, or more precisely, what I thought it could be.  I filled half a moleskine with my scribblings before I decided the whole exercise was hubris, folly,

3 axles, two busses, hybrid power: Bus-Zilla!

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On a recent trip to Portland, I was introduced to Brandon and Heather, and their project: Bus-Zilla! The project is also known as the Mutant Bus- and it is crazy, it is ridiculous, nearly impossible- and totally f’ing cool.The makers are taking a duo of 70’s VW vans- cutting,

Morbid Outlook does Steampunk

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Here is a nice article in the online 'zine Morbid Outlook on the subject of Steampunk.  Featured are the work and images of many of my friends including the multi-talented Libby Bulloff and local Boston artist David Dowling along with quotes from the always wonderful Steampunk Magazine. While I

This weekedend: Fire Arts Festival; Neverwas Haul fundraiser

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It’s a busy weekend here in the SF bay. The incredible, annual, flammable Fire Arts Festival is taking place. It’s put on by The Crucible, a "con-profit collaboration of arts, industry, and community". From the site: "Each July The Crucible’s Fire Arts Festival celebrates creativity through fire and light