Music Archive
Abney Park Interview with Rebecca Firth
Captain Robert of the band Abney Park talks to Rebecca Firth about their music and Steampunk in an Interview at YouFINDit. [For some reason they've chosen to stream the mp3 with the horrible Micro$oft Media Server so if you can't listen from the above page, gank the mp3 from
Jake’s Busy Weekend, Make:TV and HUMANWINE

Continuing the tale of my long and busy weekend . . . So a crew from PBS’s new show Make:TV spent the weekend with me in the shop filming me at work. I re-created a couple of projects and made a coach lamp for the car, start to finish.
OH MY! The Music of Michael Scott Parker

I get a great deal of email these days, I try to answer it all but I’m afraid the day I will not be able to fast approaches. I am grateful for the pics of cool stuff and links to net Steampunkia, and I really do enjoy answering thoughtful
Jules Vernian Analog Synthesizer

It makes me happy when people write me about things they’ve made, and when they’ve been inspired or have adopted techniques they’ve learned from the Steampunk Workshop it makes me very happy indeed! Peter wrote me a while back with some pictures of his latest project, a Jules Verne