Phone Archive
More retro-cellphone handset goodness! This time from my friend and fellow Maker, Captain Mouse! Her blog is here: And when you visit, do not miss Mandelbrot the Fractal Teddie Bear!
Here’s a project of mine from a few years ago, it’s an LG mobile ’embedded’ into an old Western Electric model 500 handset. The Bell Model 500 desk phone manufactured for decades by Western Electric is an icon of Twentieth Century product design. The evolution of the Model 500’s
I’m sure you’ll all remember The James Gang from the New York Times style section piece on steampunk a while back. In the article they talked about a high end Steampunk boutique in Manhattan. Well, TJG Engineering may be ready to come out of ‘stealth mode’ as they now
My friend David dropped me a note a couple of days ago along with this photo of a telephone aboard a WW II era warship. The phone is absolutely gorgeous! I particularly like the the anchor and rope motif in the brass escutcheon. David goes on to write: