how-to Archive

iPhone Dock and Autodesk 123D Tutorial

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Autodesk 123D Design iPhone dock tutorial and 2007 Lincoln Town Car SatNav Radio Audio-in hack. (Jump to 7:20 in the video to get straight to the tutorial) A couple of weeks ago I bought a new vehicle, a 2007 Lincoln Town Car. The car came with a Satellite Navigation radio with

Making Joints in Telescoping Brass Tubing: Slip fit Press-fit Detent-fit.

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Many makers have found uses for the telescoping brass tubing from K & S Engineering. This tubing is available in sizes from 1/16" up to 21/32" ( is one retail source), and one of the useful features of this material is that each adjacent size telescopes neatly into the

Retro Cellphone Handset How-to

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More retro-cellphone handset goodness! This time from my friend and fellow Maker, Captain Mouse! Her blog is here: And when you visit, do not miss Mandelbrot the Fractal Teddie Bear!