Instagram Posts Archive

I do believe I’ve built a welder! First time ever stick welding too!

I do believe I've built a welder! First time ever stick welding too!

Lost PLA aluminum cast pulley running true.

Lost PLA aluminum cast pulley running true.

I have one of these now

I have one of these now! #toolsforthetoolgod

Portable welder made with auto parts from 1946 through 2015. I think this is the sexiest thing I’ve ever worked on!

Portable welder made with auto parts from 1946 through 2015. I think this is the sexiest thing I've ever worked on!

Star or Delta? I think I know which and why but gonna break out all the wires so I can try both.

Star or Delta? I think I know which and why but gonna break out all the wires so I can try both.

3D printed lost PLA cast pulley mounted along with 250 amp alternator. I hope to be welding by next weekend!

3D printed lost PLA cast pulley mounted along with 250 amp alternator. I hope to be welding by next weekend!

Success! Investment cast lost PLA aluminum pulley for the welder!

Success! Investment cast lost PLA aluminum pulley for the welder!

Prepping the pentayurt for

Prepping the pentayurt for #TTITD #stillneedtickets

A 400 Amp 1600 Volt 3-Phase rectifier bridge arrived for me in the post today

A 400 Amp 1600 Volt 3-Phase rectifier bridge arrived for me in the post today. #bwahaha

The Wagner (pronounced vaag-ner) Power Painter is a tricky beast. But when you get everything right it is a joy to use.

The Wagner (pronounced vaag-ner) Power Painter is a tricky beast. But when you get everything right it is a joy to use.