Monthly Archive:: March 2010

These Shoes Rule – for the Ladies

Author: | Categories: Fashion, Steampunk No comments
Someone once told me that the first things people look at when they meet you are your shoes and your hands. It's very easy to tell if someone uses their hands to make things as they tend to have callouses, weathered skin, and may have curious stains or broken

Ada Lovelace Day – Limor Fried: Open Source Entrepreneur

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  Photo courtesy of Fumi This is from last year's Ada Lovelace Day but I thought I'd pop it back to the front page especially since Limor is doing such an incredible job over at making one post per hour! When I was growing up there were all


Author: | Categories: Art, Steampunk No comments
I'm pretty excited about this! The author, Jon Munger is a friend and he along with artist Krista Brennan have done an amazing job!!  Virtuoso is an alternate history of an Africa that never existed, one run by steel and springs, commanded by vast matriarchies and past the height of

Jigsaw Renaissance update: new space, new stuff to do

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It's official: We're moving to 1026 Madison! Thanks to all our new members, to everyone who helped spread the word, and especially to Willow for all the work she did to make this happen. With all the new members, there's been a flurry of activity on the mailing list. Click through to

Silver Goggles

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I am really excited that we're starting to see sites dedicated to using the lens of Steampunk to examine social issues in both modern and historical milieus. Silver Goggles is one such site, examining issues of colonialism, imperialism and politics. From the masthead: The purpose of Silver Goggles is to deconstruct narratives in

Coming to Seattle for ECCC

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As some of you may or may not know, in addition to writing here, I am also a no-good ink-flinging word-wrangler. In other words, that most prestiged of useless proffesions, a cartoonist. This next week I will be coming to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con, where I will be exhibiting

Leur Existence

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  I was in NYC a few weeks ago, and went to The Horticulture Society of New York, which is a gorgeous space full of sun and plants (believe it or not). I went to see an art exhibit called Leur Existence (The Tree Project). The trees that still

Jigsaw Renaissance news and events

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First off, we're looking for a new space. Willow has a post on the current top choice. We want a bigger space, more centrally located, that's easier to let people into; this is all of those and nice-looking too.  Click through for up-coming events in March: March 5, 6pm:

Beautiful old book on Ebay- Magical Experiments: Science in play!

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I ran across this book while on ebay while looking for, well, egg cups. At first I only kinda wanted this book, but now I really really want this book. The tite of the auction says 'occult, rare, magician' which turned me off- those tags are way overused and

World Steam Expo – Michigan!

Author: | Categories: Steampunk No comments
Arthur writes: The First Annual World Steam Expo is coming to the midwest!  Be there as we break new ground in the steampunk world with exciting guests including Abney Park and Tartanic!  See the Mad Scientist's marvelous contraptions at the Mad Science Fair!    Be dazzled at the Midnight Carnival!