Monthly Archive:: April 2009
Amazing color photos from the 1940’s
I've been spending the last couple hours flicking through this goregeous set on Flickr. It's been uploaded by the Library of Congress and is comprised of about 2000 images from the 1940's- in color. They're beautiful and entrancing- they range in subject from urban sprawl to wild west;
JG Ballard, Sci-Fi author, died today.

The news has just broken that JG Ballard, one of the most influential sci-fi (and otherwise) authors, died this morning after a long battle with illness. He was most widely known for his books Crash and Empire of the Sun, but his short stories are powerful and elegant. I’m
Steampunk Snowboard!

Flickr is both wonderful for the amazing images it brings you and frustrating for the all too common lack of story to go with those pictures! I want to know the whole tale behind the creation of this snowboard! Be sure to click through to see it in action
Steampunky Brewster

Dr. Steel speaks truth
I do not always agree with the good Doctor's methods. I do not believe in hierarchy and Doctor Steel's army of toy soldiers gives me great pause. But here the Doctor speaks truth. (via Porkshanks)
G4 Underground on Steampunk
UPDATE: Aw hey! No fair! They pulled the full story from Youtube and the segment on the G4 site just has the Abney Park part. Boo. G4 Underground does Steampunk! Wow this came out pretty nicely. I don't look like a complete idiot and all of my Abney Park
Steam Powered iPod Charger

Thomas writes: Hi, thought you might get a kick out of my latest project. I coupled a Lego Technic Motor to a Jensen #75 steam engine to make a crude generator. From there I built a 5V regulator circuit and soldered in a female USB connection to power any
Flight Recorders are the new black

I’ve been geeking out really, really hard on flight recorders lately. My next project is related, and I’ve been tracking down as much information as possible on these amazing things. You know what I’m talking about- black boxes. They often offer key audio and to any doomed flight. I’m