travel Archive

London and Berlin/ 26c3

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I have found myself in the UK for the holidays- more specifically, I am in Oxford with side trips to London. I'm really excited to finally get to see the Steampunk Exhibition In Oxford, as well as the Wellcome Museum in London. The week after Christmas, however, I will

Austin, Grackles, and the Junk King

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I have been tootling around Austin for a couple days now, guided mainly by locals scribbling favored destination on scraps of paper. I’ve visited (and took a dip in) Austin’s famed Barton Springs park ("dude" an old hippie told me "it’s, like, Austin’s spiritual center"), drank Shiner Bock at

On the road to Maker Faire: Airships in Albuquerque

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On the road to Maker Faire: Austin I realized I was happening through Albuquerque just in time to see the largest gathering of hot-aired wind-bags since the Republican National Convention (ba-dum-ching!). But seriously, folks. I tried my best to channel my inner Ford Prefect and smooth talk my way onto

My travel journal: A steam/circus anablog

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Like towels, a hard-cover sketchbook is a most wholly useful object to have-  they’re good for killing obnoxious mosquitoes, trapping bits of paper and tickets in a single place (and not in the laundry), keeping track of who has offered you a couch and a hot meal, impromptu tables…the

The Wandering Blogger: Meredith is now on the road

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There comes a time in every bloggers life where we sit back at work in our comfy chairs, clad in our finest pajamas, and query ourselves: sure, this is great, but what have we done for the readers lately? Surely, they deserve more than a simple re-post, the internet’s

The Museum of Jurassic Technology

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Hidden somewhere in Los Angeles is a remarkable place: a museum, of sorts, but more of a walk-through enigma. The building itself is identified only by a standard ‘Museum’ sign outside. Just chancing by, you could never guess what’s inside: this is the Museum of Jurassic Technology.  Entering, the whole