Materials Archive
I've been experimenting with materials for Etextiles for a long time, and one of the biggest issues is conductive thread. It's one of the most important parts of an Etextile project- but it's inevitable hard to work with, for several reasons. The thread by it's very nature is hard
One of the reasons I love Noisebridge is that peeps are always bringing in the New And Shiny for us to play with. This week, it was Sai Emrys, who got a sample of EL Fabric. We spent a couple hours checking it out, trying to find that perfect
(image: cyclopian overload magic eye) It was in Boston, and I was wandering up and down Center St. in search of a cup-o-joe and a bun. My spidey sense tingled and I turned: across the street, the silent siren-song for makers: a big, handwritten sign ‘FREE’ above a pile
I am often asked where I acquire the materials I use in my work. The answer isn’t really simple as they come from a multitude of sources like our town dump, dumpster diving, craigslist, roadside trash pick-up, as well as gifts from friends and family. But there is one