Magazines Archive
Our own Libby Bulloff has a wonderful article in the current issue of SteamPunk Magazine. Libby makes the case for what needs to happen for Steampunk to become a sustainable style rather than mere and fleeting fashion. Within, she examines current trends in Steampunk dress and warns that: We’re
A new online magazine VivaLaModa has a nice little write up on Steampunk fashion in their current issue. VivaLaModa is a magazine that focuses on Fashion, handmade goods, and green products, from their website: VivaLaModa is a bi-monthly magazine created to show the greatest and coolest fashionable and hand
Ottens writes: Commemorating the anniversary of the birthday of Jules Verne, the Gatehouse Gazette celebrates “Extraordinary Voyages” this issue! Read an interview with the extraordinary fashion designer Miss Vecona and learn more about the adventure look from Miss Hilde Heyvaert’s “The Steampunk Wardrobe” column. She also tells you just
Somehow I have managed to be so busy that I have completely missed the first 3 issues of the Gatehouse Gazette! Well no more! Let “The Romance of Science” enchant you with the fourth and winter issue of the Gatehouse Gazette. Discover that winter is the perfect season for