Jeff VanderMeer Archive
The Steampunk Bible
The Steampunk Bible is out! I helped connect Jeff and S.J. with people doing cool things in the movement and I wrote what I hope is the definitive candy tin etching how-to for this book. Our fashion editor Libby Bulloff also contirbuted articles and LOTS of shiny photography, including
The Steampunk Bible Wants You!

Noted Archivist Seeks Steampunks to Index: World Fantasy Award winner Jeff VanderMeer’s The Steampunk Bible, published by Abrams Image, will provide a comprehensive and lavish overview of all aspects of Steampunk, in text and pictures. Research for this momentous and globe-spanning project includes the compilation of a comprehensive Archive of, and Index to, everything and everyone
Exciting Steam Powered News on Saturday!

Only a few more days until the Steam Powered – The California Steampunk Convention!! It’s been a big week for me already and it’s only Monday! Yesterday I got the propane torches and sound system working on our primary prop for All Hallows E’en. We’re doing "The Wizard of