Jigsaw and Science

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This St Patrick's Day, Jigsaw held a fundraiser for the space called St Maker‘s Day. We planned on maklng potato clocks. Because, you know, lt‘s an Irlsh holiday, and we all know the Irish looove thelr potatoes (I'm Irlsh, so I guess that means I can say these things). It was my task to obtain the things with which to make them. I dug around in the local electronics store for alligator clips and wire. I dallied at the hardware store getting galvanized nails. However, I failed with the two obvious componants of 1) Potatoes and 2) Clocks. So we did what any good makerspace would do and improvised.

What else could we measure the voltage of? Anythlng, really, but how about limes? Those are green, the stereotypical color of the day, and readily available at the Hideout around the corner. Nick persuaded the bartender to hand over a total of 4. We had a control llme, a boiled lime, a nuked lime, and a frozen lime. Over tlme, the frozen lime underwent another reactlon and became the thawed lime. You can flnd the readings on our blog, but the most important thing was that if you wlre the limes ln series you can power an LED. Giving you a limelight. (Oh yes, I love the puns). We also calculated that to power an iPad, you couldn't use llmes because lt's an Apple product.
[Jigsaw Renaissance is a Seattle based makerspace that I've been a member of since it's inception. If you live in the greater Seattle area you should definitely check it out! – Jake]