Greetings and Salutations
Good day, gentlepeople. I am Annie, and I am thrilled to be here among the contributors at Steampunk Workshop. This is especially exciting for me because though my day job also involves writing (and a lot of editing), it's generally pretty topical (and that topic is videogames). While I do love games-related things with the fiery passion of Eta Carinae, I also believe that variety is the spice of life, and PS3 controllers make my wrists hurt. So in short, I'm enthused to have the opportunity to cover things outside the usual realm of work, and more inside the realm of the unique and handmade. And yes, the obvious intersection here would be steampunk casemods, so if you've done them, let me know!
In the meantime…
I recently had the opportunity to attend SteamCon II just outside of Seattle, WA. While there, I managed to convince many of the attendees, panelists, and even a guest of honor (ahem!) to play the Lying Down Game. In fact, "convince" is perhaps the wrong word, as participation was voluntary in all cases, and all consent was given most enthusiastically. In any case, I shall leave you with a gallery of the highlights of this festivity, compiled for your viewing pleasure: