Monthly Archive:: June 2012

Shio – Otherworldly Lights

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I am fascinated by techniques that involve 'growing' structures using unattended processes. It's probably because I grew up in the eco-seventies and we were all to be living in bio-engineered domes with living real grass carpeting by now!  Artist Daniel MacDonald's strongly suggests those same forms and leaves me both nostalgic

Wayne Strattman to show at CRMI!

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Remember the Borg from Star Trek? Wayne Strattman is the artist responsible for lighting up their ship with high-voltage plasma. He is the world’s most famous kinetic plasma glass artist, and on July 15th, he will have his first solo museum show at The Charles River Museum of Industry


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Big Wooden Ball Project from Mike Leuis on Vimeo. I love, Love! LOVE! the use of industrial equipment to make art. A custom built crane/lathe/mill truck for making big wooden balls? Be still mah heart! (via Make)

My kind of Steampunk

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From The Men That Will Not Be Blaimed for Nothing. This is how I like my Steampunk. \m/