Monthly Archive:: September 2010
Nearly there with 3 days to go! There are a lot of really neat things out there tagged with term 'Steampunk' but very few of them are as truly wonderful and unique as "Virtuoso," a Creative Commons licensed comic from friends Jon Munger and Krista Brennan. Jon and Krista are
I just finished a project for Jeff VanderMeer's Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities and while I can't show you the sculptures I made (we're saving that for the book's debut) I can tell you that one of the pieces exemplified a new aesthetic for me, sort of an early
I was looking through a collection of steampunk city skylines and came across this great remix of Seattle Area Band, Abney Parks, dirigible the HMS Ophelia. Enjoy: The name of the piece is HMS Ophelia by ~Delen on deviantART One more image after the jump & a link
This is really amazing and delightful! I had not idea such things were happening around the world! – Jake Davy writes: Last Sunday we had a floralparade in Valkenswaard, Holland with a group of 25 steamers. Paul Woldhek ( had arranged this all. Our group of builders made tree
Jonathan Writes: . . .I'm a computer engineer and cut marquetry part time so i decided to combine the two and fashion a monitor of my own. It's seemingly a lot more difficult to get good quality brassware here in England than it is in the states so i
And when I get home I put it on my hat tree.
Crunch Gear has a good interview up with the creator of this wonderful watch, Haruo Suekichi: Your watches have an antique, yet very futuristic form and design. Where do they come from? What inspires you? – When I make watches, it doesn’t usually start with design but with “fun”:
OMG! I am kind of speechless here, this is really, really cool. Be sure to click through to the creator's blog, there are a lot of other really amazing things to see there! – Jake
This just warmed my inner 12 year-old, great job Encline Design in making a steampunk version of Optimus Prime one of my childhood heros. The images from this post are copyrighted by © Encline Design. I am reproducing these low resolution version under Fair Use to see the
On September 19th Seattle's Jigsaw Renaissance is hosting a maker unconfernce with a focus on making within a budget. ThriftCamp is a one-day unconference discussing how to live well on a limited means. Living in a consumption culture that is destroying our limited resources and in tough economic times,