Monthly Archive:: June 2009
I am just speechless. More here und here via Burnlab
My good friends HUMANWINE are playing tomorrow, June 27th, 2009 at The Paradise in Boston. Alas, I will not be able to attend but if you’d like to go for free all you need do is find a hidden Golden Ticket! There’s just over twenty-four hours left to find
You may recall Patrick Johnson’s marvelous short film Granite Copper Motor from earlier this year. Recently Patrick spent some time with my friends David, Dennis, and Brady, while they designed and constructed a steam boiler dubbed ‘Ignatius the Firepig.’ I do so love Patrick’s calm and peaceful treatment which is the
I wasn't quite ready to start in with the grinding and welding this past Monday so I thought I'd ease into the day by adapting these photo-copy station lights I found at the dump to my drill press. They sure do make hitting that little automatic punch dimple a
Today’s road finds, a #2 Phillips screwdriver with tip in excellent condition and a partial roll of electrical tape. Electrical tape is a very common find, I think they must fall of off linemen’s and phone company worker’s trucks. BTW: You should really throw out your worn
This past Monday I finally got started on my foundry project! I’ve been collecting material for some time so I was ready to roll once Maker Faire ’09 concluded. The goal is to built a foundry furnace capable of melting brass and perhape iron, if I’m lucky. I’m
I found this at the town dump last week, I'm speculating that it's a roofer's tool for bending flanges on to sheets of copper. It's about 4 feet long, the hinges are brass and there is a steel blade edge on both side of the central slot. It
When I bike to work I always keep a weather-eye on the road surface. Here in New England you must always be prepared to bunny-hop the odd pot-hole (yes, you can hop a recumbent, just not very high) but I also find some very nice tools on my
Growing up near a lake, there were two types of boat people: speed-boat people and patio-boat people. As I sipped drinks from the comfort of a floating drunk-tank, I never really understood the appeal of speed-boats (especially on a lake without, you know, outlets). Edison Marine, however, makes a
I’ve just discover a new web comic via @nathanfhtagn called "Lovelace and Babbage" and it is pretty brilliant! Even better, in the finest Steampunk DIY tradition, there are "Making off" blog enteries interspersed with the content, these are as entertaining as the comic itself! Stuff like this: I’m