Projects Archive

DIY Powder Coat/Curing/Reflow Oven

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I found  a very clean, barely used toaster oven at the dump. I originally intended it for the kitchen but it turned out that the toast function timer was bad, so off it went to the workshop. I tried using it a couple of times for curing paint and

Studio Softbox Flash Ceiling Bracket

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One of the reasons I redesigned The Steampunk Workshop website is that I thought WordPress with it’s easier to use interface and more flexible authoring would entice me to publish more stories. But an important aspect to any story are good photographs and I don’t always (read rarely) want

Mold Rammer for Sand Casting

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Thor has his Hammer, I have my Rammer.

Hexayurt for Burning Man

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Update: Well painting the yurt was a bad idea, at least using the paint to shield the tape from the sun was. For the most part it adhered very well to the tape, but after a week in the hot sun it lost flexibility and flaked off. We had

DIY Vibratory Tumbler

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My latest feat of post-apocalyptic engineering. Post-apocalyptic engineering is when you use parts on hand no matter what. There is no going to the hardware store because THERE IS NO HARDWARE STORE!! When I built the Girl Genius Radio Theater Microphone I had some brass plates water-jet cut and I

Altoids Tin Divider and Tweezers

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One of my most popular projects has been the etched Altoids tins that I made for the Steampunk Bible article I wrote. For years I've carried one in my bag that I've used for various medications and vitamin pills when traveling. I had cut up one of those typical

Foundry Furnace – Final

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UPDATE: I have to stop saying “final iteration!” The latest upgrade to the foundry furnace is a Babbington style burner for the waste oil. The Babbington burner atomizes the waste oil fuel before injecting it into the furnace and make for much more controllable and stable combustion. The burner is built

Mini Dremel Table Saw for Cutting Solar Cells

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I’ve been making solar powered lanterns to hang in the tress on our property. I just love the idea of capturing light during the day with solar cells and batteries and then releasing it at night to create a fairy tale ambiance. Unfortunaeately most of the commercial solar powered

Steampunk Stratocaster #2

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I just finished up Steampunk Stratocaster #2 and will be sending it out to be in a gallery show in Indianapolis Indiana in February! Circle City Aerodrome Steampunk Art Show: 'Punked:Yesterday's Tomorrows   On Friday the 1st, the night before the Masquerade we will be hosting a reception in honor

Custom Glass iPhone Backs

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Make your own custom iPhone back glass images! I figured out how to separate the glass panel from an iPhone back and put any image on it. What follows is my step by step howto for transferring a laser printed image to the inside of the glass back on an