Instruments Archive
Stroh Violin Repair

I generally do not take commissions, however every once in a while a friend will ask me to make or repair something and it will be an interesting enough project that I will take it on. That was the case with this Stroh violin. The Stroh violin was an
The Oomphalapompatronium!
My friend and fellow citizen of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Len Solomon demostrates his Oomphalapompatronium!
Stunning Etched Brass Modular Synth

I am just speechless. More here und here via Burnlab
Make: Magazine – Build a Wimshurst Influence Machine

Look what I found in my mailbox today! Sometime during Maker Faire last year Gareth Branwyn mentioned to me that he would be editing a "Lost Knowledge" issue of Make: Magazine and that I should consider writing an article. Of course, I immediately replied: "Dude! count me in!" UPDATE: Plans
Instruments for Natural Philosophy
Long before I got into Steampunk, in fact long before that name had been coined, I had a love for scientific instruments. I would rescue the catalogues of instruments and demonstrations from the dumpster behind our school at the end of each year when the science teachers would discard
Orrery (kit?) from Japan

I am not quite sure what is going on here, but as near as I can tell this is an offer for a beautiful brass orrery kit. An orrery is a mechanical simulacrum of the Solar System with clockwork designed such that the planets of the orrery move in
Geissler Tubes

Geissler tubes were made primarily at the end of the 19th century and into the 20th as curiosities. They came in a great variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. From Wikipedia: Geissler tubes were mass produced from the 1880s as entertainment devices, with various spherical chambers and decorative serpentine
The Clockwork Quartet

I have legions of minions (both cybernetic and meatiform) so if you say ‘steampunk’ anywhere on the interwebs I’m liable to pop up in UR LJ or UR Flickr within hours. Such was the case this morning when I discovered this marvellous machine built by banjo player Will Segerman