Upcycling Archive
Repairing My Favorite Sneakers

I am partial to this particular make and model of shoe, but since we do not provide free advertising here at The Steampunk Workshop, let's just call them "Cayce Pollards" But I have a problem, I always wear out the heel long before the rest of the shoe. It
The Future of SteamPunk Fashion — SteamPunk Magazine #7

Our own Libby Bulloff has a wonderful article in the current issue of SteamPunk Magazine. Libby makes the case for what needs to happen for Steampunk to become a sustainable style rather than mere and fleeting fashion. Within, she examines current trends in Steampunk dress and warns that: We’re
Cheap and Easy Fabric Dye From Natural Sources

One of the ways I upcycle old, worn garments is to dye them. Stained, stretched-out beaters, ratty petticoats, and once-white tuxedo shirts with dingy collars enshroud themselves in new life when dropped into a steaming bucket of color. As my best friend is a pedigreed textiles artist, I've spent
Rechargable Lantern Battery Flashlight Mod

I have several 6 volt lantern flashlights kicking around the shop. However, I never use them because I generally baulk at the $7 they want for a lantern battery that can't be recharged. But the other day I noticed a 4Ah 6 volt recharable lead acid battery at Home
Chandelier Candle Retro-fit

When we moved into our house there was an electric chandelier in our dining room. It was an adequate enough fixture but incandescent chandeliers are terribly inefficient, six 25 watt bulbs actually put out a fraction of the amount of light as a single bulb of half the combined
Cheap Yaris Cabin Air Filter

Every time I've brought my Toyota Yaris in for it's regular service I was surprised to find a $50 charge for replacing the "cabin air" filter. It always annoyed me, but they assured me it was a pain to change the "special" filter. Turns out that's bullshit. It's a
Upcycling: Re-filling a Swiffer WetJet Bottle

From Wikipedia: Upcycling is a component of sustainability in which waste materials are used to provide new products. It is generally a reinvestment in the environment. "Upcycling is the practice of taking something that is disposable and transforming it into something of greater use and value." This process allows
Dump Finds: Rayo Lamp, Typewriter

As of late last year we were banned from pulling items for our town dump’s metal and wood recycling bins. The stated reason was ‘public safety’ but it was fairly clear from the expressions on the faces of a few of our town’s selectmen during the discussion that the