museums Archive
Get the Whirlygig to the Museum
[Another Kickstarter project I'm backing: my friend Tom Sepe is trying to get his Whirlygig Emoto to the CRMI] How do ya get a steam-electric hybrid motorcycle across country? With your help! (and a very strong box!) The Charles River Museum of Art and Innovation's new exhibit: "Steampunk, Form
Charles River Museum of Industry–Steampunk: Form and Function

[The following is a press release for an event at the Charles River Museum of Industry in Waltham, Massachusetts – Jake] An Exhibition of Innovation, Invention and Gadgetry At The Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation’s new exhibit Steampunk: Form & Function – An Exhibition of Innovation, Invention and
A Visit to the Seal Cove Auto Museum

This past August the ladies and I took the bus up to Acadia in Maine for a week long vacation. We stayed at the Bar Harbor KoA and had a lovely site right at the water's edge. While we were there we visited the Seal Cove Auto Museum on Mount
New England Steampunk Festival at the Charles River Museum of Industry

From the flyer: Jules Verne meets modern technology during a daylong festival at the Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation in Waltham. Enjoy hands on activities, interactive exhibits, vendors, live music and more at this event celebrating everything steampunk! This looks like a lot of fun! Click on the flyer or download the PDF for
The Museum of Jurassic Technology

Hidden somewhere in Los Angeles is a remarkable place: a museum, of sorts, but more of a walk-through enigma. The building itself is identified only by a standard ‘Museum’ sign outside. Just chancing by, you could never guess what’s inside: this is the Museum of Jurassic Technology. Entering, the whole