Kickstarter Archive
"Anyone wanna go down Ohio Rivr [sic] on a junk boat?" Asks Chicken John. He continues: "C'mon, u haven't made a mistake this big in a while". And I think: No, actually. I haven't. And the adventures I love to live (and tell) seem to be consisting of hanging
Nearly there with 3 days to go! There are a lot of really neat things out there tagged with term 'Steampunk' but very few of them are as truly wonderful and unique as "Virtuoso," a Creative Commons licensed comic from friends Jon Munger and Krista Brennan. Jon and Krista are
Noah has posted an update at Kickstarter with upgraded rewards for contributors! Good friend and fellow tribesman Noah Beasley is joining the Open Source commerce fray, offering up some of his most popular designs. [My] Items are created in a computer with modeling software, and then converted from bits
I'm backing these folks and you should too! "Because we support maker culture, we will release our production patterns on our site for download so that people can sew their own versions of our garments. In addition, we will be documenting our progress so that others can learn from