Features Archive
Tom Sepe’s Steampunk Motorbike

An Interview By Meredith Scheff Wandering through the industrial neighborhood of West Oakland, You'll find more than a few warehouse art studios, each one filled to the brim with all manner of projects; from giant robots to huge metal art – and of course steam machines. A few days
Ada Lovelace Day – Limor Fried: Open Source Entrepreneur
Photo courtesy of Fumi This is from last year's Ada Lovelace Day but I thought I'd pop it back to the front page especially since Limor is doing such an incredible job over at http://www.adafruit.com/blog/ making one post per hour! When I was growing up there were all
Yankee Steam-Up !!

After several years of trying I finally managed to get to the Yankee Steam Up at the New England Wireless and Steam Museum this past weekend. It was a great event with hundreds of steam hobbyists from all over New England showing up. I was even recognized by Rich
Jake on WIRED Science
Last year I had the privilege of taping a segment for WIRED Science with Chris Hardwick. As far as I know the piece never aired (“not sciencey enough” I heard through the grapevine! 😉 ) but it’s finally turned up on the WIRED Science website. There is a larger
The Brass Lion – Steampunk Recumbent

You'll recall I posted a picture of my recumbent bike last week and that one of things I wondered aloud was how one would go about steampunkifying a bike? Well Eric and Alan – a.k.a. Steuben's Wheelmen – sent me a whole passel of new photos that show exactly
Meredith Scheff Interviews Phil Foglio

[Editors Note: I'm very happy to have the opportunity to introduce you to Meredith Scheff who will be doing a series of articles for The Steampunk Workshop where she will "go exploring in the jungles of maker workshops; and share the images with you, the hopefully regular reader." Meredith