This is the first of what is likely to be many posts covering the New Zealand's The League of Victorian Imagineer. They have a great blog and run a yearly exhibition and fashion show. The next fasion show will be at Oamaru Opera House on the 5th June 2011.
Here is the first peice I m covering called the Polmugater made by Literacy North Otago students:
The Intergalactic Promulgation Transmogrification Appliance is a draw card at the Steampunk Exhibition at the Forrester Gallery in Oamaru, New Zealand. It is the result of an outpouring of creative genuis from a group of people working together under the umbrella of Literacy North Otago. This project has brought people together from a diverse background and has allowed them to develop skills and explore new areas of creativity. Literacy for us includes a wide range of skills and competencies and a project like this has enabled many to be further developed.
After the cut there is a great video of the making of the Polmugater.
I also love the Doctor Who music mixed in at the end. If you cant wait for more reports here go check out their site yourself at steampunknz.co.nz.