Gallery of Found Objects

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On Saturday when I go to the dump I carry with me a long steel hook which allows me to fish interesting things out of the metal re-cycling dumpster.  I’ll also stop and look through intersting piles left curbside for collection on trash day.

Some find this practice unseemly, but I feel the greater crime is to let these items enter the waste stream in the first place.

April 14, 2007:

I found some nice things this week!  A grandfathers clock escapement, a lovely silver-plate teapot in quite nice shape, one brass andiron, a brass vase from India, and a pair of, um, Catholic welding gloves?

escapement gloves andiron and vase, steampunk dumpster diving finds

The nicest find is the clock escapement, it’s full of lovely gears, levers and cogs.  It’s made in Germany and must have played a tune of some kind on the hour.

grand fathers clock steampunk escapement

These are interesting.  They are quite small, I can not get my hand into them at all.  They’ve either shrunk or were intended for a lady.  Or perhap they are purely ceremonial – if you know what they are drop me a line at

Steampunk Catholic Welding Gloves WTF?

Update: I believe my fellow Brass Gogglian exoskeletoncabaret has nailed it – they appear to be ceremonial gauntlets belonging to a Freemason that has attained admission to the exalted ranks of the Knights Templar.