Monthly Archive:: July 2016

The chimerical Sea Stag of Maine.

The chimerical Sea Stag of Maine.

3D printed electric fence supports. Welcome to Jurassic Garden!

3D printed electric fence supports. Welcome to Jurassic Garden!

What I be offered for this winsome wrench?

What I be offered for this winsome wrench? #yoho

Today’s daddy/daughter project.

Today's daddy/daughter project.

Look what my daughter made for me! It a blacksmith’s poker for breaking up clinkers in the forge!

Look what my daughter made for me! It a blacksmith's poker for breaking up clinkers in the forge!

Welcome to the Jake von Slatt museum of Transportation.

Welcome to the Jake von Slatt museum of Transportation.

Theory confirmed

Theory confirmed. #Rodentia

Today’s project

Today's project. #thewheelsonthebus

Can @vonslatt make an object so heavy even he can’t lift it? Yes. Yes he can.

Can @vonslatt make an object so heavy even he can't lift it? Yes. Yes he can.

Yep. It’s a welder!

Yep. It's a welder!