Monthly Archive:: February 2010

Cheap and Easy Fabric Dye From Natural Sources

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One of the ways I upcycle old, worn garments is to dye them. Stained, stretched-out beaters, ratty petticoats, and once-white tuxedo shirts with dingy collars enshroud themselves in new life when dropped into a steaming bucket of color. As my best friend is a pedigreed textiles artist, I've spent

Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition

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Coming up soon!  The Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition will be happening march 12-14th in Emeryville, CA and looks like it will be a blast- they've got some amazing tallent and projects coming in to exhibit and strut their stuff.

Yr Doin’ It Right #3 – Sweep

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As seen this morning via the oddity sandwich that is Google Buzz/riotclitshave: Model: Ulorin Vex Photographer: Allan Amato This is definitely Doin' It Right [TM]. Heck yes.

Skinner UnaFlow Steam Engine

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  I received a very interesting email a couple of days ago from a fellow who was tearing down an old mill in Massachusetts. It seems at the center of this turn-of-the-last-century brick building was a Skinner Unaflow steam engine. Would I like to poke about in a 100+

Kevin Rolly’s photography

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(image: Kevin Rolly, AKA Kevissimo, seen here as SteamMonk) Friend and co-BurningMan-conspirator Kevin Rolly is a fantastic photographer- He often paints and collages photos, creating an otherworldy beauty. Link is to his Flickr site, which has some NSFW images.

Etsy Fashion Finds #1

Author: | Categories: Fashion, Steampunk No comments is indubitably Mecca for handmade steampunk clothing. Here are a few awesome pieces I dug up this morning. If you have any favorite Etsy sellers or items, feel free to leave them in the comments. Read on for details! Thank you.       1.) Wool Gabardine Dress

Why I believe in Maker Culture

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Cult of Done #9: People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right. Hi, I'm willow bl00 (aka Willow Brugh), and you'll see me poke my head in here from time to time. I live in Seattle (I think it's the promised land), alongside the likes of