Jigsaw Renaissance Archive
Jigsaw and the Great Global Hackerspace Challenge

Gentlemen, ladies, and partially-sentient automata—start your irons! Guest post by Jigsaw member James Gray Right now, teams from thirty hackerspaces, makerspaces, and diffuse conglomerates of autodidactically-inclined individuals around the world are putting their heads together in preparation for what promises to be a creative contest of quasi-mythological, yea, of
Jigsaw and Science
This St Patrick's Day, Jigsaw held a fundraiser for the space called St Maker‘s Day. We planned on maklng potato clocks. Because, you know, lt‘s an Irlsh holiday, and we all know the Irish looove thelr potatoes (I'm Irlsh, so I guess that means I can say these things). It was my
Multiple Maker Spaces
It seems maker spaces are springing up everywhere. And that's really, really exciting. We're a part of a movement, a gathering force of change and hope. We gather at Faires, at Cons, at challenges. We make friends and learn from each other. We feel epic, because we do epic
Jigsaw : a physical wiki, a work in progress
Willow here, of Jigsaw goodness. You haven't heard from us in awhile, but that's because we've been going throughsome major growth spurts. Murals, zombie camp, building work tables, getting a class pet, more and more classes, making our Kickstarter (!!!), and lots of new rad people. Phew. The space operates as
Help Our Hackerspace Build a Kitchen!
The Hackerspace I belong to in Seattle, Jigsaw Renaissance, is in need of a culinary laboratory facility, colloquially know as "A Kitchen," so that we can add the preparation of comestibles to our maker repertoire. Also so we can bake you cookies. Lovely prizes are offered for your tax
Jigsaw Renaissance update: new space, new stuff to do

It's official: We're moving to 1026 Madison! Thanks to all our new members, to everyone who helped spread the word, and especially to Willow for all the work she did to make this happen. With all the new members, there's been a flurry of activity on the mailing list. Click through to
Leur Existence
I was in NYC a few weeks ago, and went to The Horticulture Society of New York, which is a gorgeous space full of sun and plants (believe it or not). I went to see an art exhibit called Leur Existence (The Tree Project). The trees that still
Jigsaw Renaissance news and events
First off, we're looking for a new space. Willow has a post on the current top choice. We want a bigger space, more centrally located, that's easier to let people into; this is all of those and nice-looking too. Click through for up-coming events in March: March 5, 6pm:
Why I believe in Maker Culture
Cult of Done #9: People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing something makes you right. Hi, I'm willow bl00 (aka Willow Brugh), and you'll see me poke my head in here from time to time. I live in Seattle (I think it's the promised land), alongside the likes of
Welcome to Jigsaw Renaissance!
Hi Everyone! I'd like to introduce you to Seattle's latest Hacker/Maker/Community Space and good friends of The Steampunk Workshop: Jigsaw Renaissance! Rehana and other folks from Jigsaw will be posting events and projects here on occasion and I expect to be presenting and hanging there whenever I'm in town. See