the CAN!CAN!CAN! Sandwich on IndieGOGO!

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So there's this thing. It's called the Grilled Cheese Invitational, and it's pretty much what it sounds like. Their motto is 'Bread, Butter, Cheese, Victory!' and they're holding the last one ever this year. I'm competing and it's going to be great. This is about fun. It's about being weird and loving it. It is about the future of what grilled cheese will be, post-apocolypse, when all we have is canned foodstuffs. 

My sandwich is called the CAN!CAN!CAN! and it features canned butter, canned cheese and canned bread. It's going to be a ton of fun. To help fund my way in this endeavor I have an Indiegogo campaign that has some awesome rewards based on the graphic I've created to represent my dazzling creation. You should check it out. Watch the video, because it's seriously one of the funniest things I've done in a while. 

I'll be wearing a can-can outfit while grilling s'whiches. Because surely those will survive the apocolypse.

Check out my indieGoGo can-pain!