tv Archive
Steampunk on WCVB-TV Boston’s Channel 5 Chronicle

Here are a set of links to the steampunk episode of WCVB Channel 5's Chronicle Magazine: WCVB's Chronicle – Steampunk – Segment 1 (I updated the link above but the other segments no longer seem to be online. 🙁 ) WCVB's Chronicle – Steampunk – Segment 2 WCVB's
Fanboy Confessional on SPACE TV covers Steampunk
Last year a film crew from Canada rode down to The Steampunk World's Fair with me in the bus. They spent the weekend documenting the event and the result is set to air in Canada on July 13 on SPACE channel. It looks like a great show!
Here we go . . . Castle’s Steampunk Episode
A kind and competent portrayal, but I can't help thinking that we could use a nice juicy scandal or two! 😉
Discovery’s new show- Weaponizers
Jake and I are having a bit of a discussion on the Discovery Channel's latest ploy to appeal to our nerdly senses. The show is called Weaponizers-in short, teams outfit vehicles with radio controls, fill them to the brim with gigantic (yes, real) guns, and then blast the living