Monthly Archive:: December 2011
Repairing My Favorite Sneakers

I am partial to this particular make and model of shoe, but since we do not provide free advertising here at The Steampunk Workshop, let's just call them "Cayce Pollards" But I have a problem, I always wear out the heel long before the rest of the shoe. It
On my wishlist: Accutron Spaceview

I'm rather endeared to the Bullova Accutron watch, which keeps time via a tuning fork mechanism (!) that drives the gear train. The watch also uses a one-transistor oscillator circuit, which qualifies it as the first 'electric watch'. As a special edition, Bullova released the 'SpaceView', with a clear face
Cross stitch made with conductive thread

I've done quite a few different types of e-textiles over the last couple years, but never done cross stitch. Of course, I can't make a project without a geek reference or a good pun (best case:both!) and the Ohm Sweet Ohm cross stitch was born. I've never done cross stitch before,
Put a Gear On It!
This is wonderful and I love it very hard indeed! Via Sepiachord who can also be found on twitter.