Meredith Scheff Archive
Hey guys I made a TreeHat

And when I get home I put it on my hat tree.
Regresty: Things that are not steampunk
I am really loving hating Regretsy's current "Things That are Not Steampunk" series. The postings all elicit a facepalm and then silent sobbing into said palm; both of hilarity and pity for the genre.
Man Krew

(photo: myself at the 2009 Man Build) About 23 miles north of the middle of nowhere lies a small, innocuous ranch. A sign, about the same prominence as the NO TRESPASSING beside it, identifies it as Black Rock Station Storage and Production Facility. This is Burning Man's work ranch.
Flexi PCBs version 2- StarBoards!
I'll start where I left off. Previously, I was using the sharpie resist method. Good for rapid prototyping, but bad for precision and reproduction. The answer? Put the stuff through the laser printer, obviously. I made a template in Illustrator of all the parts I needed to make the
The North Skirt
It's finally finished, and that means, I finally get to show it to you. The NorthSkirt is a soft circuit project that incorporates my redesigned flexible soft-circuit boards (now, StarBoards), a hacked NorthPaw kit, and a strong desire to have a soft-circuit project actually DO something. What does it
Sew-through Soft Circuits

Your mostly-humble narrator I've had an off-and-on love affair with soft circuits since I became aware of them. Unfortunately, all the pre-made boards for soft circuits are clumsy (being traditional hard PCBs) and finnicky (hard to keep a good connection) to use. Being a good little hacker, I decided
Introducing The Bodice Rippers

I've been waiting anxiously, a-biting on my finger-nails for the Boddice Rippers first EP to come out. It has, and now I can finally share with you my new favorite local bay area band. I would describe them as Tom Waits meets Decemberists meeets bluesy-night-night-club if they had a
Sai does an EL fabric demo
One of the reasons I love Noisebridge is that peeps are always bringing in the New And Shiny for us to play with. This week, it was Sai Emrys, who got a sample of EL Fabric. We spent a couple hours checking it out, trying to find that perfect
Coming to Seattle for ECCC
As some of you may or may not know, in addition to writing here, I am also a no-good ink-flinging word-wrangler. In other words, that most prestiged of useless proffesions, a cartoonist. This next week I will be coming to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con, where I will be exhibiting
Beautiful old book on Ebay- Magical Experiments: Science in play!

I ran across this book while on ebay while looking for, well, egg cups. At first I only kinda wanted this book, but now I really really want this book. The tite of the auction says 'occult, rare, magician' which turned me off- those tags are way overused and