Jake von Slatt Archive
Custom Glass iPhone Backs
Make your own custom iPhone back glass images! I figured out how to separate the glass panel from an iPhone back and put any image on it. What follows is my step by step howto for transferring a laser printed image to the inside of the glass back on an
Victorian RV – Bedroom Redecorated

I've never been completely satisfied with the Captain's cabin of my bus. The original ceiling in this section was finished with perforated steel sound absorbing panels that did a good job making it quiet but collected soot and dirt and were virtually uncleanable. My solution to this problem was
Steampunk Home Decor – Light Switch Plates
A couple of months ago The Lady and I came to the realization that we had painted the walls and woodwork in every room in our home except for the master bedroom. Our house was built in the 1970's and this means beige and brown decor. Thus, our bedroom
A Visit to a Steampunked Home

If you dropped by my house you’d probably be disappointed. Because (with the exception of my office, which is more post-apocalytic than anything else) it’s simply not very steampunk. I do have plans, but none have come to fruition. However, a couple of weeks ago I was invited by
Girl Genius Radio Theater Microphone

I generally don't do commisions. But occasionally a conversation will spark an idea for a project and I'll create something like this microphone. In this case it was a conversation with Cheyenne Wright, one of the artists behind the Girl Genius webcomic and it took place at SteamCon 2009. Cheyenne,
Mjöllnir Lamps for the Roadster

Some projects take a long time. Sometimes I start something and then put it aside, in this case for more that two years! When Make:TV came out to the workshop to shoot a profile of me in July of 2008, one of the projects that I worked on for
Moving a Bridgeport Milling Machine – Recreational Rigging
One of my goals for this year is to add some real machining capabilities to my shop. I've been in the market for a milling machine since the beginning of the year and when I saw a Bridgeport series II CNC mill pop up on Craiglist for $1000 I
Jake’s Wimshurst Machine and How to Build It! (Part 1)

Last year I wrote an article for Make Magazine volume #17 that described the construction of an electrostatic generator of electricity, a Wimshurst Influence machine, using parts and materials commonly available at your local home center and hardware store. I was a little surprised and quite pleased when I
Repairing My Favorite Sneakers

I am partial to this particular make and model of shoe, but since we do not provide free advertising here at The Steampunk Workshop, let's just call them "Cayce Pollards" But I have a problem, I always wear out the heel long before the rest of the shoe. It
Steampunk on WCVB-TV Boston’s Channel 5 Chronicle

Here are a set of links to the steampunk episode of WCVB Channel 5's Chronicle Magazine: WCVB's Chronicle – Steampunk – Segment 1 (I updated the link above but the other segments no longer seem to be online. 🙁 ) WCVB's Chronicle – Steampunk – Segment 2 WCVB's