Jake von Slatt Archive
Steampunk Car Update – Catalytic Converter on an Aircooled VW Motor

Lots of progress! She's on the road, registered, inspected, and passed, including emissions which is pretty cool considering that she's basically a 1972 VW Beetle that was re-titled in Ohio as a 1985 "assembled vehicle." A close read of the Massachusetts auto emissions law would seem to indicate that
Books: Little Brother – Cory Doctorow
Moments after I finished Little Brother I wrote Cory: Just finished Little Brother – sweet jebus man! I generally like your stuff but you’ve never made me cry before! Bravo! This goes on the shelf of ‘must reads’ for my kids too, to be sure. If you show up
Married to the Sea

The always interesting and oft times quirky Married to the Sea does Steampunk. I’m telling ya, getting made fun of is one of the important milestones on the path to world domination.
Artifacts for Steampunk Seditionists and Soldiers

Ben is making these wonderful wartime posters from a different now and selling them on Etsy. There are five in the series and they vary from the menacing one you see here to the inspirational and slightly Orwellian; "When We Mesh, We Succeed." See the rest at Attempted Artistry's
Dump Finds

This weeks visit to the town's transfer station netted some nice brass bits that I think will find their way onto the car project and another old typewriter.
Sequential Glass – Steampunk Resource
I am often asked where I acquire the materials I use in my work. The answer isn’t really simple as they come from a multitude of sources like our town dump, dumpster diving, craigslist, roadside trash pick-up, as well as gifts from friends and family. But there is one
Gentleman’s Emporium

I never expected that I would get into the ‘dress-up’ side of Steampunk. Really, never. But when I was asked to intro Abney Park on the main stage at Maker Faire this year I knew that I was not going to stand up in front of those folk wearing
USS Salem Steampunk Command Phone

My friend David dropped me a note a couple of days ago along with this photo of a telephone aboard a WW II era warship. The phone is absolutely gorgeous! I particularly like the the anchor and rope motif in the brass escutcheon. David goes on to write:
My Ride

Meredith’s post on the Handcar Regatta reminded me that some of you might be interested in my daily ride. This is a TourEasy recumbent bike from Easyracers and it’s how I got to work this morning. You see, I was an avid cyclists right up until the age of
Dump Finds: Rayo Lamp, Typewriter

As of late last year we were banned from pulling items for our town dump’s metal and wood recycling bins. The stated reason was ‘public safety’ but it was fairly clear from the expressions on the faces of a few of our town’s selectmen during the discussion that the