DIY Archive
DIY Table Saw Dust Collector

I am very careful with saw dust in my workshop ever since discovering that I was allergic to it several years ago. However, I’ve gotten tired of dragging my large shop vac from machine to machine in my workshop for dust collecting when cutting wood. I realized that I
DIY Vibratory Tumbler

My latest feat of post-apocalyptic engineering. Post-apocalyptic engineering is when you use parts on hand no matter what. There is no going to the hardware store because THERE IS NO HARDWARE STORE!! When I built the Girl Genius Radio Theater Microphone I had some brass plates water-jet cut and I
Retro Cellphone Handset How-to
More retro-cellphone handset goodness! This time from my friend and fellow Maker, Captain Mouse! Her blog is here: And when you visit, do not miss Mandelbrot the Fractal Teddie Bear!
Cheap Yaris Cabin Air Filter

Every time I've brought my Toyota Yaris in for it's regular service I was surprised to find a $50 charge for replacing the "cabin air" filter. It always annoyed me, but they assured me it was a pain to change the "special" filter. Turns out that's bullshit. It's a
DIY Vacuum Tubes

If you were popped out of the timestream and found yourself suddenly in the distant past, how much of our modern technology could you re-create? I’ve often thought that I could climb back to the vacuum tube era of the 1920s or so. Author H. P. Friedrichs has realized
Yeah, there’s Punk in Steampunk: Johnny Payphone

I met Johnny Payphone on the Brass Goggles Forum in it’s early days. He would drop by periodically and lob thought-bombs into our midst that touched off fire-storms of discussion on the core nature of Steampunk and just how much ‘Punk’ there was in it. Here is a wonderful
Jake’s Busy Weekend, Make:TV and HUMANWINE

Continuing the tale of my long and busy weekend . . . So a crew from PBS’s new show Make:TV spent the weekend with me in the shop filming me at work. I re-created a couple of projects and made a coach lamp for the car, start to finish.