Video Archive

G4 Underground on Steampunk

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UPDATE: Aw hey! No fair! They pulled the full story from Youtube and the segment on the G4 site just has the Abney Park part. Boo. G4 Underground does Steampunk! Wow this came out pretty nicely. I don't look like a complete idiot and all of my Abney Park

Meet Tom Sepe: Steampunk Artist, Fabricator, Performer

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I had the great pleasure to meet Tom Sepe at Maker Faire last year, in addition to being a fine artist he’s a fun and entertaining fellow to be around.  Tom recently produced the above video to aid him in what I’ll call a journey of “Discovery” and I

Make: TV Preview II

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make tv preview ii from make magazine on Vimeo. Make:TV is going to be so awesome!  

The Great Handcar Regatta ’08

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Nathan Halverson writes: Some organizers in Santa Rosa, Calif. put together a great event with Steampunk at its base. It was hands down the best event I’ve been to in Sonoma County in my two years living here. I made a video of it for the local publication. You’ll

MTV Discovers Steampunk

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MTV has a piece on Steampunk that’s a little different then we’ve seen before.  There’s naturally a greater focus on music and fashion but the intarwebs get a mention too. My only real criticism is that they didn’t pick up on some of the more serious aspects having to

Jake on WIRED Science

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Last year I had the privilege of taping a segment for WIRED Science with Chris Hardwick.  As far as I know the piece never aired (“not sciencey enough” I heard through the grapevine!  😉 ) but it’s finally turned up on the WIRED Science website. There is a larger

Jay Leno’s 1906 Stanley – “It’s like driving your own coffin!”

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Hi Everyone, sorry I missed the last two Jay Leno Wednesday posts! I was in Hawaii on holiday and with Meredith at Burning Man things have been kind of quiet. Well I’m back and so is Jay and his 1906 Stanley.

Jay Leno: One of Us

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Jay Leno turns out to be hardcore when it comes to anachro-tech. The man know what he’s talking about. So for the next few weeks Wednesday is Leno day here at the Steampunk Workshop. Here’s Jay giving us a detailed tour of his 1925 Doble Series E.

The Telectroscope

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Everyone has been sending me Telectroscope links! It’s been well covered in the blogosphere so I wasn’t going to mention it here but Datamancer just sent me a link to a Wall Street Journal video by Andy Jordan, the fellow who profiled Doc a while back. Enjoy!  

H.M.S Chronabelle Presents: The Adventures of Captain Mouse

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There has been a lot of talk lately about ‘Steampunk ‘sub-culture’ and to be quite honest, I don’t really know what Steampunk sub-culture will turn out to be. I do hope that at its core will be people getting together and making things. I also hope that it turns