Steampunk Archive
EgoPhobia Steampunk Edition

The Romanian publication EgoPhobia has just released it’s Steampunk Experiment. It’s really a wonderful take on the movment and includes a great interview with artist Sean Orlando (© photo by John Curley) I think that there are a lot of people out there who are simply dissatisfied with throwaway
Exciting Steam Powered News on Saturday!

Only a few more days until the Steam Powered – The California Steampunk Convention!! It’s been a big week for me already and it’s only Monday! Yesterday I got the propane torches and sound system working on our primary prop for All Hallows E’en. We’re doing "The Wizard of

I don’t wear goggles for dress up, I wear them to protect my eyes from fire and metal shrapnel. I also wear eyeglasses so am subject to 3liza’s Rule. But holy crap! you gotta respect these fancy dress goggles from a fellow who goes by the moniker "Anticz." Check
The Artwork of Morgaine von Slatt

One of the reasons that I hesitate to use the word "artist" in reference to myself is the fact that I have a talented sister who embodies that cognomen. Today I have the singular pleasure of introducing you to the works of the very talented Morgaine von Slatt! Morgaine
Tiny Tiny Steampunk Keyboard

While aimlessly wandering around the internet during my lunch hour today I was absolutely delighted to run across this tiny tiny steampunk keyboard made by Lizabeta! Have a look here for more information.
MTV Discovers Steampunk
MTV has a piece on Steampunk that’s a little different then we’ve seen before. There’s naturally a greater focus on music and fashion but the intarwebs get a mention too. My only real criticism is that they didn’t pick up on some of the more serious aspects having to
Buckle up your boots and adjust your brass goggles . . .

On Saturday morning the inestimable Molly Friedrich dropped me a note with a link to an MP3. I was entirely unprepared for the awesomeness that lay behind that link, Professor Auerbach’s Attack of the Steampunks Rap: Meeting the opposition like a hammer on an anvil Conquering the culture like
Bruce Sterling – The User’s Guide to Steampunk

(Photo from Stephanie Booth's Flickr stream) This is either brand new or somehow snuck completely under my RADAR. It's a little essay by Bruce Sterling written, I think, for GOGBOT that describes what Steampunk is and he F&@%ing nails it! NAILS it! I say. He gets the community part
Tonight!! Opening in Seattle: ANACHROTECHNOFETISHISM

Long before the age of the internet, and well before the cold efficiency of the assembly line, existed fantastic and terrible machines, run on hope, sweat, and steam. It was a time in which form and function lived in sin, and everyman was a revolutionary. We are 13 American
Antipodean Steampunk Adventures

Cliff writes: Just thought you might be interested in one small part of steampunk in Australia. the photo is of my computer build, I have yet to add power supply, monitor, keyboard and mouse – but they are coming along nicely. Your work and your site are well