Steampunk Archive
The Steampunk Roadster

Update: car has been sold! In a few short months The Steampunk Workshop will celebrate it’s 10th birthday! I can barely believe that it’s been ten whole years since this whole “steampunk” thing blew up on the internets. It’s been a lot of fun for me, but I also
The best animated airship in steampunkdom

I recently received a rather cryptic email containing a link to this video. I don’t know much about it, but this is probably the best animated airship in all of steampunk.
Ancient Steampunk?

I have been hearing a lot of interviews with author Graham Hancock lately and I think his line of inquiry will be of interest to Steampunks everywhere and of particular interest to those interested in writing about non-fantastical Steampunk worlds. In 1996 Hancock published Fingerprints of the Gods . The TL;DR
The Steampunk World’s Fair is this weekend!

Hi Folks! Come join me at the 2014 Steampunk World's Fair in Piscataway New Jersey! I'll be bringing my Victorian RV and many of the steampunk objects I've made over the years. There will be an opportunity to take a tour of the bus on Saturday and I may even
Steampunk: Making The Future

This is an introduction to a multi-part series on Steampunk by Sally Applin ( I've been corresponding with Sally off and on for more than five years and we first met at Maker Faire in 2009. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to her insightful thoughts on Steampunk and the Maker
The Nine Novels That Defined Steampunk

By Johnathan Greyshade The Nine Novels That Defined Steampunk I’m a librarian by profession, and a scholar by inclination, so when I got involved with the amazing confluence of ideas that was steampunk in mid naughts I naturally wanted to know where this idea of steampunk came from. Most
Vintage Tomorrows – At Powell’s Books Monday March 25th

Hey Portland! Don't miss futurist Brian David Johnson and cultural historian James Carrott at they explore steampunk, a cultural movement that's captivated thousands of artists, designers, makers, hackers, and writers throughout the world. The even is at Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing on Monday, March 25th @ 7:00PM. Hey! I really like the model they got
Ayleen the Peacemaker at Roger Williams University: “Re-Racing Steampunk: Race, Memory & Retrofuturism”
Longtime friend of SPWS speaks at Roger Williams University on race and steampunk: Re-Racing Steampunk: Race, Memory & Retrofuturism.
He’s British!
The Professor writes: Well hello. To counter this dark, wintery drudge we find ourselves wedged inside, may we offer a little splendid summer sunshine – the first single from the BRAND NEW Professor Elemental album, 'Father Of Invention'. Available right blooming now, from Directed by Moog with music
Quick Lamp Making Tip: Fast Nuts!
How to move 3/8 inch nuts really quickly along long lengths of threaded lamp pipe.