Projects Archive
Dave Veloz’s Mac Mini Mod, Monitor, & Keyboard

There is nothing in the world that I like better then receiving pictures of things that people have been inspired to build by my projects. When I opened my mail and discovered these photos I squeed like teen on LJ! In interviews I've often described Steampunk as the intersection of technology
Steampunk Car Project – Dashboard, Wiring, Lights

Dashboard, Wiring, Lights This car sat out in the weather for many years, as a result the interior is shot, the side panels and carpet are terribly mildewed and the spores have been giving me a headache so I put on the powered respirator and stripped it all
Molly ‘Porkshanks’ Friedrich’s Dieselpunk Headphone Mod

Guest artist Molly porkshanks Friedrich shows us how to update a pair of vintage headphones for use with an iPod or MP3 player. Greetings strangers and friends alike! I was emailed by Jake a little while back asking me if I would be interested in taking a turn as
A Victorian RV

Bus Tour: In 1982 I was a sophomore at a small college in the Midwest. It was the beginning of second term and I was again standing in line at the on-campus book store waiting to pay for a too-heavy stack of text books. The line was not moving
A Victorian RV – Construction

Construction: Step one is the removal of all of the seats. I invited a bunch of friends over for a mid-winter barbeque and we finished in a couple of hours. An angle-grinder with a cut-off disk made short work of the rusted and frozen bolts and let us get the seats out
Steampunk Car Project – Initial Survey

Late in 2007 I spotted this car on eBay with a "Buy it Now" price of $1500 and, well, bought it then. Its a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle SSK replica made by Classic Motor Carriages. CMC made these cars in the late '70s and early '80s. In fact, I remember
Car Carrier Trailer

If you’ve visited here before you know that one of my long term projects is to built a fully road-able steam powered automobile. In addition to requiring a great deal of research, such a project requires tools. I will need machine tools such as a lathe and a milling
Jake’s Hollywood Adventure and Etching an iPod

OK, I was reckless. I went ahead and etched my iPod without doing extensive tests on electrolytic etching of stainless steel. But you see, I had a deadline – a flight to Los Angeles to be on television and I wanted the iPod done for the show. I began
Steampunk Flat-Panel LCD Mod

The Steampunk Keyboard looked terribly anachronistic sitting in front of my Dell 1907FP flat panel monitor and while I hesitated to tear open a $300 monitor that was still under warrantee, art must be served. Inside I found that the whole thing was encased in steel sheet. I
Gas Mask Sawdust Respirator

Update: Sometimes when I'm working in the shop I just need to wear a respirator for a short period. For instance if I just need to walk into the paint area to shoot a second coat on a small part or make a quick cut on the table saw