Projects Archive
Pentayurt for Burning Man

I’m heading to Burning Man again this year. If you’ll recall, last year I built a Hexayurt for the Playa. It worked very well and I was much happier in the Hexayurt than I have ever been in a tent. But I had painted the Hexayurt to cover up
WW-II Vintage Homemade Welder

I found this welder on Craigslist for hundred dollars. It’s made with a World War II surplus aircraft generator and the engine from a 1946 Austin Dorset. It’s a 200 Amp DC welder with a four-cylinder pushrod engine. This is a first look at it and there will be
Cutting Steel with a Skil Saw Blade

I’m am bolting a bunch of scrap steel together to make an anvil and I need the pieces to fit as tightly together as possible so I’ve been milling the surfaces on the CNC mill. I created a piece with a horn and step and I needed to create
3D Printed Wimshurst Machine

In the winter time, whenever I pulled a large flat part of off the print bed of my RepRap Prusa Mendel, I would notice a great deal of static electricity. One day the thought occurred to me that I could 3D print a Wimshurst Influence Machine like the one
DIY Table Saw Dust Collector

I am very careful with saw dust in my workshop ever since discovering that I was allergic to it several years ago. However, I’ve gotten tired of dragging my large shop vac from machine to machine in my workshop for dust collecting when cutting wood. I realized that I
Warehouse 13 1/8

It all started with a bad snowstorm when the two metal sheds in our backyard collapsed under the snow load. I contacted our insurance agent and we were indeed covered. However there was an issue with getting quotes for the sheds’ replacement. We bought these two metal sheds from Home
Microphone Stand Camera Adapter

This is a superquick 3-D printing project. I found in the past that when I film videos in the workshop I am very often tripping over the tripod and the camera never seems to be in a convenient position to get the shot. I realized that I had a microphone
Organizing All Of The Things

I have limited space in my shop and am constantly trying to condense the volume of space that my materials and supplies take up while still allowing me to find what I am looking for without digging through bin after bin. One of the best solutions I’ve found to
Converting Welch Allyn Otoscope & Opthalmoscope to “C” Batteries

Like many small New England towns we don’t have curbside pickup for our trash, instead we bundle everything up and take it to the town dump on Saturdays. This would seem like an inconvenience but, also like many small New England towns, our town dump includes a “Swap Shop.”
No Such Thing as a Free Hot Tub

We got our first hot tub at a garage sale for $50. We took it home and filled it up and found that the temperature controller no longer worked. The filter housing and skimmer also leaked because the plastic was cracked and the entire assembly had to be replaced.