Vehicles Archive

Steam-mench Jay Leno’s 1909 Stanley

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For our next instalment of Jay Leno Wednesday here at the Steampunk Workshop we have Jay stepping us through the start-up procedure for a 1909 Stanley and then giving us a ride.  Well worth the watch if only for the part where Jay burns all of the hair off

The Dieselpunk Tatra – Jay Leno’s Garage

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When it comes to late night comedy I’m more Letterman than Leno. But when it comes to things mechanical Jay Leno is a total mench and exemplifies true Steampunk spirit. Here he is talking about a Czech Tatra, a streamlined, rear-engined, air-cooled V-8 powered car from 1938 which would

Steampunk Car Update – Catalytic Converter on an Aircooled VW Motor

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Lots of progress!  She's on the road, registered, inspected, and passed, including emissions which is pretty cool considering that she's basically a 1972 VW Beetle that was re-titled in Ohio as a 1985 "assembled vehicle."  A close read of the Massachusetts auto emissions law would seem to indicate that

The Brass Lion – Steampunk Recumbent

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You'll recall I posted a picture of my recumbent bike last week and that one of things I wondered aloud was how one would go about steampunkifying a bike?  Well Eric and Alan – a.k.a. Steuben's Wheelmen – sent me a whole passel of new photos that show exactly

My Ride

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Meredith’s post on the Handcar Regatta reminded me that some of you might be interested in my daily ride.  This is a TourEasy recumbent bike from Easyracers and it’s how I got to work this morning. You see, I was an avid cyclists right up until the age of

Steampunk Car Project – Dashboard, Wiring, Lights

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  Dashboard, Wiring, Lights This car sat out in the weather for many years, as a result the interior is shot, the side panels and carpet are terribly mildewed and the spores have been giving me a headache so I put on the powered respirator and stripped it all

A Victorian RV

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Bus Tour: In 1982 I was a sophomore at a small college in the Midwest. It was the beginning of second term and I was again standing in line at the on-campus book store waiting to pay for a too-heavy stack of text books. The line was not moving

A Victorian RV – Construction

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  Construction: Step one is the removal of all of the seats.  I invited a bunch of friends over for a mid-winter barbeque and we finished in a couple of hours.  An angle-grinder with a cut-off disk made short work of the rusted and frozen bolts and let us get the seats out

Steampunk Car Project – Initial Survey

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Late in 2007 I spotted this car on eBay with a "Buy it Now" price of $1500 and, well, bought it then.  Its a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle SSK replica made by Classic Motor Carriages. CMC made these cars in the late '70s and early '80s. In fact, I remember

Car Carrier Trailer

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If you’ve visited here before you know that one of my long term projects is to built a fully road-able steam powered automobile.  In addition to requiring a great deal of research, such a project requires tools.  I will need machine tools such as a lathe and a milling