Vehicles Archive
Steam-mench Jay Leno’s 1909 Stanley
For our next instalment of Jay Leno Wednesday here at the Steampunk Workshop we have Jay stepping us through the start-up procedure for a 1909 Stanley and then giving us a ride. Well worth the watch if only for the part where Jay burns all of the hair off
The Dieselpunk Tatra – Jay Leno’s Garage
When it comes to late night comedy I’m more Letterman than Leno. But when it comes to things mechanical Jay Leno is a total mench and exemplifies true Steampunk spirit. Here he is talking about a Czech Tatra, a streamlined, rear-engined, air-cooled V-8 powered car from 1938 which would
Steampunk Car Update – Catalytic Converter on an Aircooled VW Motor

Lots of progress! She's on the road, registered, inspected, and passed, including emissions which is pretty cool considering that she's basically a 1972 VW Beetle that was re-titled in Ohio as a 1985 "assembled vehicle." A close read of the Massachusetts auto emissions law would seem to indicate that
The Brass Lion – Steampunk Recumbent

You'll recall I posted a picture of my recumbent bike last week and that one of things I wondered aloud was how one would go about steampunkifying a bike? Well Eric and Alan – a.k.a. Steuben's Wheelmen – sent me a whole passel of new photos that show exactly
My Ride

Meredith’s post on the Handcar Regatta reminded me that some of you might be interested in my daily ride. This is a TourEasy recumbent bike from Easyracers and it’s how I got to work this morning. You see, I was an avid cyclists right up until the age of
Steampunk Car Project – Dashboard, Wiring, Lights

Dashboard, Wiring, Lights This car sat out in the weather for many years, as a result the interior is shot, the side panels and carpet are terribly mildewed and the spores have been giving me a headache so I put on the powered respirator and stripped it all
A Victorian RV

Bus Tour: In 1982 I was a sophomore at a small college in the Midwest. It was the beginning of second term and I was again standing in line at the on-campus book store waiting to pay for a too-heavy stack of text books. The line was not moving
A Victorian RV – Construction

Construction: Step one is the removal of all of the seats. I invited a bunch of friends over for a mid-winter barbeque and we finished in a couple of hours. An angle-grinder with a cut-off disk made short work of the rusted and frozen bolts and let us get the seats out
Steampunk Car Project – Initial Survey

Late in 2007 I spotted this car on eBay with a "Buy it Now" price of $1500 and, well, bought it then. Its a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle SSK replica made by Classic Motor Carriages. CMC made these cars in the late '70s and early '80s. In fact, I remember
Car Carrier Trailer

If you’ve visited here before you know that one of my long term projects is to built a fully road-able steam powered automobile. In addition to requiring a great deal of research, such a project requires tools. I will need machine tools such as a lathe and a milling