Steam Archive
US Steam Land Speed Record Attempt

Have you ever wondered how fast a steam car can go? You are not the only one. The U.S. Land Steam Record (USLSR) Team is seeking to become the fastest steam-powered vehicle on earth at the famous Bonneville Salt Flats in early August 2011. The current record speed of
A Visit to the Seal Cove Auto Museum

This past August the ladies and I took the bus up to Acadia in Maine for a week long vacation. We stayed at the Bar Harbor KoA and had a lovely site right at the water's edge. While we were there we visited the Seal Cove Auto Museum on Mount
Skinner UnaFlow Steam Engine

I received a very interesting email a couple of days ago from a fellow who was tearing down an old mill in Massachusetts. It seems at the center of this turn-of-the-last-century brick building was a Skinner Unaflow steam engine. Would I like to poke about in a 100+
A Visit to the Pratt University Steam Plant
JGN Writes: Steam Engines in NYC!!! Who would think that the oldest continuously-operating, privately owned steam-powered electrical generating plant in the United States sits in a quiet Victorian section of Brooklyn, New York? Pratt University has its original steam-powered engine room intact. It was used for many years to generate electricity for
Steam Ballons and Steam Airships

One of the stories in Steampunk Tales #2 involves zombies and steam airships. Frankly, I found the steam airship highly implausible and chalked it up to the general obsession with steam and steam power that we steampunks seem to be infected with. However, it seems I am seriously mistaken!
Yankee Steam-Up !!

After several years of trying I finally managed to get to the Yankee Steam Up at the New England Wireless and Steam Museum this past weekend. It was a great event with hundreds of steam hobbyists from all over New England showing up. I was even recognized by Rich
Modern Alchemy – The building of Ignatius The Firepig.
You may recall Patrick Johnson’s marvelous short film Granite Copper Motor from earlier this year. Recently Patrick spent some time with my friends David, Dennis, and Brady, while they designed and constructed a steam boiler dubbed ‘Ignatius the Firepig.’ I do so love Patrick’s calm and peaceful treatment which is the
Steam Powered iPod Charger

Thomas writes: Hi, thought you might get a kick out of my latest project. I coupled a Lego Technic Motor to a Jensen #75 steam engine to make a crude generator. From there I built a 5V regulator circuit and soldered in a female USB connection to power any
Steam and Fabbing! Jay Leno’s Garage
via Make:Blog
Jay Leno’s 1906 Stanley Steamer – Part 2
Here is Part 2 of Jay’s 1906 Stanley Steamer piece. Enjoy!
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