Photography Archive
Microphone Stand Camera Adapter

This is a superquick 3-D printing project. I found in the past that when I film videos in the workshop I am very often tripping over the tripod and the camera never seems to be in a convenient position to get the shot. I realized that I had a microphone
Studio Softbox Flash Ceiling Bracket

One of the reasons I redesigned The Steampunk Workshop website is that I thought WordPress with it’s easier to use interface and more flexible authoring would entice me to publish more stories. But an important aspect to any story are good photographs and I don’t always (read rarely) want
Wet Plate Photography … on an iPhone Back!

When I started on my iPhone back project I actually researched wet plate photography, the process of putting an emulsion on glass, exposing it, and developing it into an image. How awesomely steampunk that would be! However, though I've done a little black and white developing and printing in
Putting Old Lenses on a Canon DSLR

While digging through my old camera equipment I came across my Grandfather’s 35mm Exa . While I have absolutely no desire to revisit the days of film, I was kind of interested in what sort of image the old German made lens would produce on my modern Canon DSLR
Yr Doin’ It Right #3 – Sweep

As seen this morning via the oddity sandwich that is Google Buzz/riotclitshave: Model: Ulorin Vex Photographer: Allan Amato This is definitely Doin' It Right [TM]. Heck yes.
Skinner UnaFlow Steam Engine

I received a very interesting email a couple of days ago from a fellow who was tearing down an old mill in Massachusetts. It seems at the center of this turn-of-the-last-century brick building was a Skinner Unaflow steam engine. Would I like to poke about in a 100+
Kevin Rolly’s photography
(image: Kevin Rolly, AKA Kevissimo, seen here as SteamMonk) Friend and co-BurningMan-conspirator Kevin Rolly is a fantastic photographer- He often paints and collages photos, creating an otherworldy beauty. Link is to his Flickr site, which has some NSFW images.
Quaintrelles, Dandies, and Flâneurs #3
~~~~~ Back with another round of street fashion and casual, wearable steampunk! This week's featured soul is writer and critic Jessica Lawson. I stayed at her current residence in San Francisco last week as I toured with The Ghosts Project, and I was pleasantly surprised when she emerged in
Yr Doin’ It Right #2 – Flickr Favorites
One of my favorite late-night time-wasting activities is trolling Flickr for shiny bits. There are so many glorious puddles of inspiration nestled in photo sets and galleries, and I adore frolicking through them. I'd like to share with you some of my tasty findings in regards to vintage punk
Maker Resolutions for 2010
A very happy new year to all of our readers from the staff of SPWS! 2010 really does sound like the future, does it not? I feel like this year is going to be very productive and positive for many of us. On that note, I'd like to ask
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