Meredith Scheff Archive
the CAN!CAN!CAN! Sandwich on IndieGOGO!

So there's this thing. It's called the Grilled Cheese Invitational, and it's pretty much what it sounds like. Their motto is 'Bread, Butter, Cheese, Victory!' and they're holding the last one ever this year. I'm competing and it's going to be great. This is about fun. It's about being
Seattle rock show! 10/13: Ghost Town Gospel, The Mongrel Jews, and Thee Hobo Gobelins

This weekend (Sunday, October 13th) in Seattle THREE count 'em THREE of SPWS's favorite bands are playing together! The Mongrel Jews, Ghost Town Gospel, and Thee Hobo Gobbelins are going to be rockin' it up at Ballard's 2 Bit Saloon. I'll be there, jumping around and having a good time, and if you're in the area (or
G.I.Z.M.O Duck sculpture

This sculpture by Deviantart user Timbone is insane and wonderful. I love how much detail, effort, and care went into a character who's tagline was 'blathering blatherskite'.
Beautifully made Neeman Tools video
One day, I'll give up this life of technology and live as a simple country woman; hewing my home from the forests around me. I'll produce artisan works and take absolute care in every detail; letting time slide by as I build each piece to perfection. Then I'll make
‘International Orange’, first new Firewater album in 5 years, out now
I honestly lament not finding and listening to Firewater sooner- I think my musical life suffered for their absence. I'm a recent convert- maybe 2 years- but others have been waiting far longer to hear more of the klezmer-gypsy-rock that Todd A. and the slew of amazing musicians create.
The Ohio River project: BIGFOOT! The musical!
"Anyone wanna go down Ohio Rivr [sic] on a junk boat?" Asks Chicken John. He continues: "C'mon, u haven't made a mistake this big in a while". And I think: No, actually. I haven't. And the adventures I love to live (and tell) seem to be consisting of hanging
Bad-ass photo of the day

Shannon O'hare of the Neverawas Haul and Zachary Rukstela of Kinetic Steamworks share a scotch.
Give this girl some cake: Steampunk Portal Gun

DeviantArt user ~Batman_and_Bananas created this beautifuly detailed full scale Portal gun . She didn't just stop there, however- she also made a pair of Portal Boots, Bunson Battery, and some wallets to complete her Chell cosplay. Excellent job!
Super Adventure Club, I can’t stop rocking out to you.

Are you feeling down in the dumps? Not feeling so awesome in your yoga pants these days? Do you have a serious lack of rocking the [bleep] out? Not enough zombies or unicorns romping through your music library? Well, there's good news, bucko. Super Adventure Club. I'd liken it
Daft SteamPunk
I don't know much about the creators of these incredible costumes, except that they might be named Danny and Adam, they're my new favorite people, and that this photo is found on Flickr user LJinto's photostream.