Goth Archive
Michele Lynch Art mixed media

Dark steampunk goth art just in time for valintines day. Michele Lynch is a mixed media artist with a touch of steampunk. Her creations have wonderful anime eyes that play well on the reused bodies of savleged machinery. Another one of my favorites, the Surgeon piece is just
Corsets and Cogs – A Steampunk Wedding Cake!
Amanda writes: I was contacted last year by Wedding TV. they asked if I would be interested in taking part in a programme to be aired on Sky TV. Of course I said yes and then thought I had better get a few details and find out what I would
Corporate Steampunk Fashion
In Jake's post on goth, via the comment thread, Sangori asked a fashion question I'd like to address: "How do you really, I mean really, incorporate your subculture style into your everyday work life? Call me a fence-straddler, (I have come to terms with the fact that I am)
Gothic Revival
I've been thinking a lot about Goth lately. I missed the advent of Goth almost entirely. In my youth I was a devotee of Punk and New Wave, a child of the second British invasion. Goth didn't really get going until just about the time I was entering the
Quaintrelles, Dandies, and Flâneurs #1

Vintage Punk1 Street Fashion at SPWS Because I am primarily a photographer (and only secondarily a coolhunting blogger), a major aspect of my posts here at SPWS is visuals. Thus, once a month or so, I will be posting photographs of the sort of timeless, casual style I laud.
“The Devil’s Cloth” – Stripes In Steampunk
Steampunk style–what is it? As tempting as it is to begin my residency here at SPWS as fashion reporter with a verbose and pretentious tirade about style philosophy, I believe my audience is likely informed and intelligent enough to already know enough about the genre to grok the basics.
Morbid Outlook does Steampunk

Here is a nice article in the online 'zine Morbid Outlook on the subject of Steampunk. Featured are the work and images of many of my friends including the multi-talented Libby Bulloff and local Boston artist David Dowling along with quotes from the always wonderful Steampunk Magazine. While I
Bruce Sterling – The User’s Guide to Steampunk

(Photo from Stephanie Booth's Flickr stream) This is either brand new or somehow snuck completely under my RADAR. It's a little essay by Bruce Sterling written, I think, for GOGBOT that describes what Steampunk is and he F&@%ing nails it! NAILS it! I say. He gets the community part