Ephemera Archive
It’s About Freedom, Sir . . .
We’ve seen this gentlemen before here at The Steampunk Workshop. He is Stephen Fry and in addition to playing the inimitable "Jeeves" in the ITV version of P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster he is a supporter of free software. The GNU organization has, created, nurtured, and fought for
Abney Park Interview with Rebecca Firth
Captain Robert of the band Abney Park talks to Rebecca Firth about their music and Steampunk in an Interview at YouFINDit. [For some reason they've chosen to stream the mp3 with the horrible Micro$oft Media Server so if you can't listen from the above page, gank the mp3 from
Comic Book Tattoo – Tori Amos
As anyone who's hung out with me for more than a short while knows, I'm a long time Tori Amos fan. Well Tori's latest project Comic Book Tattoo is an intersection of two of our favorite worlds here at The Steampunk Workshop; music and comic books. From the Amazon
Steam-mench Jay Leno’s 1909 Stanley
For our next instalment of Jay Leno Wednesday here at the Steampunk Workshop we have Jay stepping us through the start-up procedure for a 1909 Stanley and then giving us a ride. Well worth the watch if only for the part where Jay burns all of the hair off
TJG Engineering – Steampunk iPhone on eBay

I’m sure you’ll all remember The James Gang from the New York Times style section piece on steampunk a while back. In the article they talked about a high end Steampunk boutique in Manhattan. Well, TJG Engineering may be ready to come out of ‘stealth mode’ as they now
Raptured: One Hell of a Nice Wallet

A couple of week ago I received a note from Connor Ferster of Braithwaite Wallets wondering if I would be interested in doing a product review of a wallet that had a somewhat Steampunk aesthetic. My wallet was falling apart so i replied "Sure! love too!" A few days
Jake’s Busy Weekend, Make:TV and HUMANWINE

Continuing the tale of my long and busy weekend . . . So a crew from PBS’s new show Make:TV spent the weekend with me in the shop filming me at work. I re-created a couple of projects and made a coach lamp for the car, start to finish.
Jay Leno: One of Us
Jay Leno turns out to be hardcore when it comes to anachro-tech. The man know what he’s talking about. So for the next few weeks Wednesday is Leno day here at the Steampunk Workshop. Here’s Jay giving us a detailed tour of his 1925 Doble Series E.
I like the sound of this “Eamespunk”

Daniel Neville has posted an utterly brilliant Eamespunk Manifesto! I rather like the sound of this humanist movement! Who needs brass goggles and mirror shades when you can have wall size projector screens in bucky domes? Overturn the individualist agenda and share in media together! Collective humanist action will
The Dieselpunk Tatra – Jay Leno’s Garage
When it comes to late night comedy I’m more Letterman than Leno. But when it comes to things mechanical Jay Leno is a total mench and exemplifies true Steampunk spirit. Here he is talking about a Czech Tatra, a streamlined, rear-engined, air-cooled V-8 powered car from 1938 which would