Steampunk Archive
“The Devil’s Cloth” – Stripes In Steampunk
Steampunk style–what is it? As tempting as it is to begin my residency here at SPWS as fashion reporter with a verbose and pretentious tirade about style philosophy, I believe my audience is likely informed and intelligent enough to already know enough about the genre to grok the basics.
Fashion Fridays at the Steampunk Workshop
A few weeks ago, over some fine whiskey, Jake von Slatt asked me if I would be interested in writing for Steampunk Workshop on the topic of fashion trends within the genre. Part of me jumped for joy at another opportunity to collaborate with Jake…and admittedly, a voice in
New York Times Fashion & Style – Steampunk Influences?
Are your ears burning? They should be because the New York Times is talking about you. David Colman’s This just in from the 1890’s is a laundry list of Steampunk influence in fashion and style – yet the ‘s’ word is nowhere to be seen! Not long ago, big
Spine Earrings from Improbablecog

While I was out in Seattle I got to know a fellow named Noah Beasley. I’ve known Noah online for a while and ran into him oh so briefly at Maker Faire, but the moment I stepped into his place I knew that we would hit it off because
The Laboratory of Time: an Italian Steampunk Forum

Numisi writes: …I write to you to represent the Italian Steampunk community. We have worked hard for a year to make this community emerge, trying to make people know what Steampunk is also in Italy . . .we know that there are a lot of Italian Steampunks out there, but
Oxford Steampunk Exhibition Documentary
A very nice documentary about the Steampunk exhibition at the Oxford Museum of the History of Science. This exhibition was curated by Art Donovan who you will recall did a similar gallery show in the Hamptons last year. [Via Make:Blog]
SteamPunk Magazine author and G20 protests – Update

Over at Birds Before the Storm Margaret Killjoy tells a disturbing tale of police response to demonstrations at the G20 in Pittsburgh. One of the people arrested is SteamPunk Magazine author Professor Calamity and he is being held on felony charges for 'tweeting' police movements during the protests. To be
The Steampunk Bible Wants You!

Noted Archivist Seeks Steampunks to Index: World Fantasy Award winner Jeff VanderMeer’s The Steampunk Bible, published by Abrams Image, will provide a comprehensive and lavish overview of all aspects of Steampunk, in text and pictures. Research for this momentous and globe-spanning project includes the compilation of a comprehensive Archive of, and Index to, everything and everyone
Interview with a Steampunk

I had the great privilege of meeting Whisper Merlot and many of the Penny Dreadfuls when we shot the Make:TV Steampunk piece a year ago this past July. These folks truly are living the life. Tor has a great interview with Whisper up on their site now. In addition