Steampunk Archive
Small form factor keyboard and monitor

Here’s a nice little keyboard and monitor set from Daniel Pon. I particularly like the small form factor, I have a Happy Hacker KB kicking around the shop that I might do something like thing too.
Steampunk Sheddie

I love to see people’s workspaces, probably because my workshop is just about my favorite place in the world to spend time. My workshop is in my garage, which is a common situation in the States. However, in the U.K. it’s the garden shed that often houses the secret laboratories
Steampunk Star Trek Wallpaper

The title says it all – these are just brilliant! (via – Steampunkpics )
The Clockwork Quartet

I have legions of minions (both cybernetic and meatiform) so if you say ‘steampunk’ anywhere on the interwebs I’m liable to pop up in UR LJ or UR Flickr within hours. Such was the case this morning when I discovered this marvellous machine built by banjo player Will Segerman
A Bit of a Pygmalion Moment

Yes, that is the Steampunk Strat in the hands of Nathaniel Johnstone of Abney Park on stage at SteampoweredCon 2008. Sigh. I made her but I could not give her what she needed as I have not the musical talent. I’m glad she found a good home and I
Steampunk Keyboard from Germany

Kay writes: I have often been inspired and impressed by your work. Here you can see one of my lastest projects. It’s a original german steampunk keyboard. More pics you find at: There is nothing I like to hear more then that! and man-oh-man did he do a
Steampunk Runway Show – Chicago

Produced by Chicago Tribal Bellydance Troupe Read my Hips, this show looks like it was a lot of fun! I’m really excited that the fashions are not purely neo-Victorian, there is some definite punk in there as well as some middle Eastern influence. Have a look at pictures from
The California Steampunk Convention – Keynote
Hi Everyone! I’m in Seattle now hang’n with rockstars and anarchists for a couple of days of decompression post SteampoweredCon in San Jose. Steampowered turned out to be a really great event with lots of fascinating people of an even broader spectrum then the already broad spectrum I expected.
Titus Andronicus – Steampunk Shakespeare

If you are anywhere near the Mass. College of Liberal Arts in North Adams MA, you should definitey consider checking this out as it sounds absolutely wonderful! Nichoals Fahey writes: I’m a theater major and have the priviledge of directing a show in november. We’re putting on "Deathmachine Andronicus"
SteamPunk Spectacular #6
The latest SteamPunk Spectacular podcast is out! This transmission brings you an assortment of oddments, including a sartorial and historical lesson from Sir Brandon Fitzroy Hill, Master of Blades and Hats; and, notably, a partial reconstruction of a most educational conversation with Jake Von Slatt himself ( I am