Art Archive
Austin, Grackles, and the Junk King

I have been tootling around Austin for a couple days now, guided mainly by locals scribbling favored destination on scraps of paper. I’ve visited (and took a dip in) Austin’s famed Barton Springs park ("dude" an old hippie told me "it’s, like, Austin’s spiritual center"), drank Shiner Bock at
The Artwork of Morgaine von Slatt

One of the reasons that I hesitate to use the word "artist" in reference to myself is the fact that I have a talented sister who embodies that cognomen. Today I have the singular pleasure of introducing you to the works of the very talented Morgaine von Slatt! Morgaine
Help save NIMBY after the fire
A few days ago, NIMBY, a warehouse near and dear to my heart, survived a fire. However, due to the fire, the owner of the building has decided not to renew their lease. They are now trying to find a new space. NIMBY is an amazing place- Alan Rorie,
Tonight!! Opening in Seattle: ANACHROTECHNOFETISHISM

Long before the age of the internet, and well before the cold efficiency of the assembly line, existed fantastic and terrible machines, run on hope, sweat, and steam. It was a time in which form and function lived in sin, and everyman was a revolutionary. We are 13 American
The Time Jumper : A Victorian dress made from a military surplus parachute

I’ve been exceedingly jealous of my friends on the West Coast for the seeming predominance of Steampunkery out there. However, I am feeling better and better on that front as I slowly discover the many talented artists in and about my home state of Massachusetts. This marvellous confection is
OH MY! The Music of Michael Scott Parker

I get a great deal of email these days, I try to answer it all but I’m afraid the day I will not be able to fast approaches. I am grateful for the pics of cool stuff and links to net Steampunkia, and I really do enjoy answering thoughtful
Mark Melchior’s Cigar Box Guitars

[Mark Melchior wrote me some time ago with some pictures of his wonderful cigar box guitars – apologies to Mark for the delay in publication! – Jake] Mark writes: Mark “Doc-o-rock” Melchior has been building guitars for some 20 odd years and decided on a return trip to Wisconsin
Artifacts for Steampunk Seditionists and Soldiers

Ben is making these wonderful wartime posters from a different now and selling them on Etsy. There are five in the series and they vary from the menacing one you see here to the inspirational and slightly Orwellian; "When We Mesh, We Succeed." See the rest at Attempted Artistry's
Sequential Glass – Steampunk Resource
I am often asked where I acquire the materials I use in my work. The answer isn’t really simple as they come from a multitude of sources like our town dump, dumpster diving, craigslist, roadside trash pick-up, as well as gifts from friends and family. But there is one
Clockworks: The art of Liam McNamara

Liam Mcnamara built The Clockworks for the Burning Man festival waaay back in 2005. A 3 story tall all wooden, working, click-tocking time-keepin’ clocktower, and then burned it to the ground at the end of the week. Yes, even the clockwork gears were CNC routed out of wood. It