Art Archive
Make or Break for NIMBY – They did it! Yay!
From NIMBY: NIMBY has now reached the critical juncture we have seen looming for sometime. To further our progress with the city – where things are still going well – we have had to make many tough financial decisions. We have shelled out endless amounts of money for permit
Brass Dragon!

Back in August I received a slightly odd email: Phil is drawing a cover for Windycon's Blaylock short story collection, and he sort of used you as the guy building a mechanical dragon in his garage… Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. If it wasn't,
Automatic: a robot art show
If’n you’re in the SF bay area, I hight suggest checking out this group show bennifiting RoboGames 2010. (Disclaimer: I am in the show, but so are a heck of a lot of other great artists). Automatic for the people. Do sentient machines dwell on the existential circuit that leads
Marshmallow love
I made a little watercolor for you guys. It’s a lady and her marshmallows..and welding gear. you can see various stages of the painting on my ustream channel. It’s up for sale in my Etsy Store.
Live painting on Ustream
In addition to contributing here in word form, I am also a cartoonist and illustrator. I don’t always do steampunk thematic stuff, but today I am. So, for your viewing pleasure, im going to be Ustream-ing the watercolor-ing of the above drawing. The subsequent painting will then be for sale
Oxford Steampunk Exhibition Documentary
A very nice documentary about the Steampunk exhibition at the Oxford Museum of the History of Science. This exhibition was curated by Art Donovan who you will recall did a similar gallery show in the Hamptons last year. [Via Make:Blog]
Steampunk Art @ Oxford
The Steampunk exhibition at the Oxford Museum of the History of Science opened yesterday! Art Donovan writes: I promise you that the art in this show is nothing like you have ever seen! Not to be "booster-ish" or anything, but I’ve had to wire my jaw closed after seeing the artist’s works
Dave Geertsen’s Steampunk Motorcycle
Quote from L.A. Bike Show Website "What is it? Some bike contest entries defied classification and description…" We know what it is, don't we folks? It's Steampunk! This is the home of Dave Geertsen's home made metal sculpture on wheels,the wheels are straight but his custom motorcycles are anything
Work Corset – Inspired by Carhartt Work Clothing

San Francisco artist Nifer Fahrion created this work clothing inspired corset to wear at Burning Man this year. I particularly like the cordless drill holster, the one I have clips to my belt and does nothing but pull my pants down. From Nifer’s site: For the past year, I’ve desired