videos Archive
Meet Tom Sepe: Steampunk Artist, Fabricator, Performer

I had the great pleasure to meet Tom Sepe at Maker Faire last year, in addition to being a fine artist he’s a fun and entertaining fellow to be around. Tom recently produced the above video to aid him in what I’ll call a journey of “Discovery” and I
Make: TV Preview II
make tv preview ii from make magazine on Vimeo. Make:TV is going to be so awesome!
The Great Handcar Regatta ’08
Nathan Halverson writes: Some organizers in Santa Rosa, Calif. put together a great event with Steampunk at its base. It was hands down the best event I’ve been to in Sonoma County in my two years living here. I made a video of it for the local publication. You’ll
MTV Discovers Steampunk
MTV has a piece on Steampunk that’s a little different then we’ve seen before. There’s naturally a greater focus on music and fashion but the intarwebs get a mention too. My only real criticism is that they didn’t pick up on some of the more serious aspects having to
Jake on WIRED Science
Last year I had the privilege of taping a segment for WIRED Science with Chris Hardwick. As far as I know the piece never aired (“not sciencey enough” I heard through the grapevine! 😉 ) but it’s finally turned up on the WIRED Science website. There is a larger
Jay Leno: One of Us
Jay Leno turns out to be hardcore when it comes to anachro-tech. The man know what he’s talking about. So for the next few weeks Wednesday is Leno day here at the Steampunk Workshop. Here’s Jay giving us a detailed tour of his 1925 Doble Series E.
The Telectroscope
Everyone has been sending me Telectroscope links! It’s been well covered in the blogosphere so I wasn’t going to mention it here but Datamancer just sent me a link to a Wall Street Journal video by Andy Jordan, the fellow who profiled Doc a while back. Enjoy!
Paul Cesewski’s Railcar on a Death-Defying Ride of Doom
Thirty Second Shingle Ride from Dr. Terwilliker on Vimeo. My buddy Paul Cesewski (and former shop-mate/shipyardian) built this rail-car that tickles all my maker-buttons: made from recycled parts, can go fast, utilizes an obscure form of locomotion, has a good possibility of injury, and serves no readily logical purpose